A Digitalised ledger simplifying business and growth for SMEs

Business isn’t about surviving; it’s about achieving productive growth for small and medium enterprises, which requires rethinking your business position. Unfortunately, many SMEs go out of business because of the archaic manner in which they conduct their bookkeeping and accounting.

Most SMEs rely on traditional bookkeeping methods-maintaining ledgers on paper which is very futile because a lot could go wrong.

PearMonie is a platform that provides SMEs with tools to accelerate their growth and thrive in the digital economy. We created tools to help SMEs simplify their bookkeeping and their day-to-day operations. 

 SMEs sector is the backbone of any economy and an important contributor to employment, and economic and export growth. In South Africa, SMEs account for 91% of businesses, and 60% of employment, and contribute 52% of the total GDP. In Nigeria, SMEs contribute 48% of the national GDP and 96% of businesses, and 84% of employment.

Despite the significant contribution of SMEs, they are considered fragmented and paper-based. Remember, People, processes, and tools are the three essential elements that every business needs to maintain to succeed. Productive growth for small and medium enterprises is now more achievable than ever, thanks to PearMonie.

PearMonie helps informal merchants track cashflows in their business, add a new product, make sales, and send invoices. We also helps merchants to collect payments seamlessly while digitally maintaining professional bookkeeping records.

The app offers convenient tools that solve the challenges most SMEs face, including managing stock, generating invoices, getting a custom bank account, monitoring profit, and understanding their growth.  PearMonie is working to ensure that merchants can keep records of their sales and expenses which will enable them to present this information to financial institutions whenever they need loans to pay salaries, buy equipment, or other activities to grow

It is simply so nice to be in possession of something that your business entirely needs.